Unveiling the Path to Generational Wealth: Insights from Elena Daccus and Danielle Eyman

Mar 12, 2024

In the quest for creating generational wealth, balancing personal fulfillment with professional ambition is a challenge many face. Elena Daccus, the founding CEO of Bossy Hills, brings to the forefront a compelling conversation on her podcast with guest Danielle Eyman, a spiritual business coach and expert in human design and gene keys. This discussion not only sheds light on the intricacies of achieving business success but also delves into the personal transformations necessary to thrive without burnout, overwhelm, or sacrificing precious moments with loved ones.

The Journey of Transformation

Danielle Eyman's journey from a 24-year career as a registered nurse to becoming a successful entrepreneur encapsulates the essence of following one's soul's calling. Transitioning into entrepreneurship, she quickly scaled her business to a million-dollar venture within just 18 months. Her success story is a vivid example of what happens when you align your professional endeavors with your innermost desires and passions. It's about making decisions that resonate with your soul's calling, which, as Danielle illustrates, leads to astonishing results not just for oneself but also for one's clients.

The Power of Alignment

A core theme of the conversation is the significance of alignment—ensuring that actions, words, and thoughts are in harmony. Misalignment, as discussed, often leads to a dissonance that can affect one's personal and professional life adversely. Elena and Danielle explore how human design—a system categorizing individuals into five energy types: Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, Manifesters, and Reflectors—can serve as a roadmap for making decisions that energetically support one’s goals. Understanding your unique strategy and authority according to your energy type can profoundly impact how you navigate business challenges and opportunities.

Embracing Gene Keys for Growth

Adding another layer to the discussion, the Gene Keys present a fascinating perspective on personal and professional development. Described as DNA frequency codes, Gene Keys offer insights into our genetic makeup, influencing our decisions, behaviors, and alignment journey. By understanding and working with these keys, individuals can transition from lower vibrational states, characterized by feelings of victimhood and passivity, to higher frequencies of co-creation and empowerment.

Creating Generational Wealth with Integrity

This podcast episode goes beyond traditional business advice. It invites listeners to embark on a journey of self-discovery through human design and gene keys, providing a holistic approach to creating generational wealth. Elena Daccus and Danielle Eyman's discussion encourages us to explore how aligning our personal energy with our professional endeavors can lead to success that is not only financially rewarding but also deeply fulfilling.


For anyone standing at the crossroads of personal fulfillment and professional success, this episode offers invaluable insights into how to balance these aspects of life harmoniously. By embracing our unique energy types and understanding the deeper genetic codes that influence our actions, we can navigate the path to generational wealth with wisdom, joy, and integrity. This journey is not just about achieving business success; it's about transforming our lives and those of our loved ones for generations to come.

Audio: https://stream.redcircle.com/episodes/98986455-3508-4afb-9bd6-93f0cd7d8f3a/stream.mp3

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